Finalist in the Business: Marketing & Advertising category of the Best Book Awards 2023 awarded by American Book Fest
Finalist in the Marketing - Branding category of the Goody Business Book Awards 2023
Brand Fusion: Purpose-driven brand strategy presents a compelling case for what consumers, customers, employees, and wider society are now demanding from companies – the development of brands that deliver profit with purpose, are sustainable, and create mutually beneficial meaning.
It fuses theory-practice-application to purpose-driven brand strategies in order to develop a unique approach that has comprehensive theoretical underpinning as well as practical and thought-provoking lessons from industry. Data-driven case studies from a broad range of brands and contexts show the application of this learning–from micro-brands to corporates; charities to technology companies; retirement villages to aspiring high-growth start-ups. Brand Fusion: Purpose-driven brand strategy is an in-depth analysis of the philosophy and practice behind creating a purposeful brand.