The melodies of the 15 inspired arrangements for young cellist and pianist originate from the rich folk music from Europe and the Americas. Renowned Finnish piano pedagogue Liisa Karhilo (1930-1998) wanted to develop the possibilities for children to play together - make chamber music from the very beginning. The cello parts are edited by pedagogue Harry Wimmer.
1. Iloinen metsämies - Merry Woodchopper
2. Puukenkätanssi - Clog Dance
3. Pajassa - Blacksmit
4. Kaiku - Echo
5. Merituuli - Seawind
6. Meripoika - Sailorboy
7. Tarmokas tikanpoika - Woodpecker
8. Hanhiemo - Goslings
9. Kahvipapujen tanssi - Dancing Coffeebeans
10. Purjeet - Sailing
11. Reipas rumpali - Drummer Boy
12. Paimenpoika - Shepherd's Song
13. Lumipyry - Snow Flurries
14. Kehtolaulu - Vaggvisa
15. Kasakkatanssi - Cossack Dance