Constituting one-third of all U.S. institutions of higher education, emerging research institutions (ERIs) are crucial to sustaining the nation's technological competitiveness through innovation and workforce development.
Many, however, are not fully engaged in sustained sponsored research. This book summarizes the discussions at a workshop that examined the barriers ERIs face in building more robust research enterprises and approaches for overcoming those barriers. The book includes a description of federal programs that focus on capacity building and institutional collaborations.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Barriers to Access to Research
Solutions to Overcoming Barriers: Strategic Partnerships for Economies of Scale
Appendix A: Committee Member Biographies
Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Appendix C: Workshop Participants
Appendix D: 2005 Basic Carnegie Classification: Distribution of Institutions and Enrollments
Appendix E: Roadmap for Emerging Research Institutions