This book is written for anyone who wants to understand what testing and testing leadership are all about. A better understanding will help to lead and improve your testing – whether testing is outsourced or in-house. CEO, CIO or CTO – this is the testing book for you, too! It’s also for anyone who works with software: product owners, project managers, system analysts, developers, testers, test managers, and many others, including students.
The book is written as individual questions so that it can be read chapter by chapter and in any order. We have chosen the questions based on our 50-year experience. The book is not full of thuths, as there are many opinions. Instead, we share our knowledge and thinking on testing and its leadership – to get you to think about those, too! There are over 30 questions, tens of case examples, and 20 ideas to improve your testing practices.
The book reminds us that the leadership must be active and lead testing even, or especially, if testing is outsourced. We have created ACT 2 LEAD mnemonic to help you with that. Read the book and learn what it means in practice!
Remember to ask questions and challenge everything you read, including this sentence – as a good tester should always do.
Alkuteos: ACT 2 LEAD : ohjelmistotestauksen johtamisen käsikirja.