"Medieval Prosopography" was founded in 1980 when methodologies of social science were combined with social history in an attempt to explore and explicate the lives of people who, when treated as individuals, often remain obscure. Because relatively few sources were created by or about individuals during the Middle Ages the prosopographical method of analysis of groups of people has lent itself especially well to medieval history.
The aim of this annual journal is to provide a venue for work engaged with the methodology of using data drawn from analysis of a group or relationships between individuals to restore to view the lives of those who would otherwise remain unexamined or to yield new insight into the medieval past. Scholarship taking the approach of collective or group biography also falls under the umbrella of prosopography and would be appropriate for the journal. Over the past four decades, "Medieval Prosopography" has published articles on a range of subjects from all periods and places of medieval history.
The journal welcomes submissions on topics that relate to prosopography from late antiquity to the sixteenth century. Work on all areas and relevant aspects of the medieval world, including Islam and Byzantium, are welcome. Articles in the major European languages are invited and will be published in their original language.