The Rune Magick in this book is the most powerful Magick you can do and the simplest way to do it possible! Every Rune symbol is on it's own page with the meaning and spirit's name as well. This allows you to use the Rune system as High Magick and have the spirit's do your bidding for your request of money, health, love and many other things. This Rune Magick requires no belief system like spells do as these spirits are doing the bidding for you! There is even a Book of Shadows at the end of the book where you can record your rituals as well as results. Based on my experience, these spirits many times show up so you may see, feel or hear them but don't be alarmed as they are all good spirits designed to assist you in your request. Within the next day or two you will get your request answered so pay attention to hunches and signs in your life and follow ideas that come to you in your mind.