The Reiki Magick in this book is the most powerful Reiki you will ever do as it combines Reiki and Magick! It is the simplest yet most powerful Magickal way to answer your request for money, health, love and many more things. First decide on what your request is and then find it in the list of Reiki symbol meanings. Trace over each symbol and say the name of the spirit for that symbol. Then chant all the spirits names together as you visualize your goal being accomplished. It's that simple! Record all your rituals and results in the Book of Shadows at the end of the book. Based on my experience, these spirits many times show up so you may see, feel or hear them but don't be alarmed as they are all good spirits designed to assist you in your request. Within the next day or two you will get your request answered so pay attention to hunches and signs in your life and follow ideas that you get. No belief system is required as you are calling upon these incredibly powerful spirits to do your bidding!