"The time is come: The Christ of God, once in Jesus of Nazareth, who brought the teachings of the heavens to the people, the teachings of peace, of unity, the all-encompassing immutable law of love, is being rehabilitated on Earth, for the Christ of God was and is abused and brought into discredit by the institutional denominational power structures, using the most infamous ways and means.
In this work, the authors extensively examine the various facets of abuse of the name of Jesus, the Christ—above all, the distortion and falsification of His original teachings and its devastating consequences for mankind and for all the Earth.
A sample from the book:
"The first Christians lived as Jesus of Nazareth taught: They lived in communities and shared everything with one another. Everyone shared in the work, according to his capabilities. Everyone was equal to everyone else; there were no superiors. Women and men were equal and both had responsible tasks in the communities, for example, as bearers of the word of God. There were neither priests nor bishops, nor any other intermediaries. The first Christians strove to put the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth into practice in their lives, step by step. How is it then that today—nearly 2,000 years later—the majority of people who call themselves Christian know nothing about this early Christian life?"
Learn more about:
The fight of the external religions against the Original Christian stream;
Violence, war and crime under the guise of "Christian"
Ecclesiastical dogmas and tenets of faith
The continuous declaration of war against Christ
The abysmal depths of the teachings of Martin Luther
The disdain and suppression of the woman
The crimes against creation
Learn about the magnitude of fraud committed against the teachings of Jesus, the Christ, and read about what He really brought and brings again today to mankind: the teaching of the love for God and neighbor toward man, nature and animals - the way back into the Kingdom of God, to our eternal Father.