International Law provides a comprehensive yet student-focused approach to the subject, providing a contemporary and stimulating account of international law.
With a rigorous and critical approach supported by engaging and thought-provoking learning features, this book encourages students to engage with legal debates and controversies.
Key features
– Offers comprehensive coverage of the central issues in public international law, introducing the key areas of debate in an engaging and accessible way
– Takes a contemporary, sometimes critical approach to international law, encouraging students to engage with areas of controversy and consider how they affect the world today
– Supported by thought-provoking learning features, including theory and debate boxes, contemporary developments, case spotlights, historical background boxes, and annotated recommended reading
– Also available as an e-book with author videos, access to online resources like discussion questions and critical thinking frameworks, and accessible functionality and navigation features to offer extra learning support
New to this edition
- Treatment of recent events including the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia; the Israel invasion of Gaza after the Hamas attacks of 7 October 2023; the ongoing Yemeni conflict relating to the Houthis; governmental instability in Niger, Mali, and Sudan; and the European Union's anti-coercion instrument.
- Coverage of recent ICJ judgments and opinions of note, including Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory advisory opinion; Allegations of Violations of the Genocide Convention (Ukraine v Russia); Violations of the Genocide Convention cases (Gambia v Myanmar; South Africa v Israel); and more.
- Coverage of regional and international courts, including ITLOS (e.g., Commission of Small Island States in respect of Climate Change advisory opinion); ICC decisions (e.g., the arrest warrants against President Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu); ECtHR judgments (e.g., Verein KlimaSeniorinnen v Switzerland); CJEU judgments (e.g., Venezuela v European Council); and the IACtHR (e.g., Habitantes de la Oroya v Peru).
- Integration of key proposals of the ILC, including work on general principles and subsidiary sources, immunity of State officials, and the effects of sea-level rise in international law.
- Coverage of selected domestic practice and judgments, including WZW Klimaatzaak v Belgium (Belgium) and new legislative developments such as reforms to foreign State immunity. legislation (China) and modifications of criminal law and procedure (Ukraine).
- Coverage of emerging treaty and other international law developments, including biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction; climate change agreements at multilateral COPs; and new forms of accountability for armed conflicts.
- Ongoing debates and proposals including the establishment of a potential special tribunal for aggression in Ukraine, the intensification of unilateral coercive measures by Western States against Russia and Venezuela, the outcome of global climate negotiations, and ongoing work on the regulation of multinational enterprises.
Digital formats and resources
The third edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats: the e-book and Law Trove offer a mobile experience and convenient access along with introductory videos by the author, discussion questions, critical thinking frameworks, functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support.
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