A Ch'ixi World is Possible (Un Mundo Ch’ixi es posible) is an illuminating manifesto by one of the founders of decolonial theory, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui. It presents an inventive and urgent cartography of diverse worlds around which a decolonial reality can emerge. Rivera Cusicanqui proposes a bold new model of cultural hybridity driven by the experience of indigenous movements and thought in South America and a crucial intervention into questions of orality and of knowledge in performance, micropolitics and the everyday.
For Cusicanqui, the concept of Ch’ixi, a term taken from geology and stonemasonry to describe the varying texture and colour of rock, is a figure with which to elaborate an argument about the mixing of cultures that come together but retain distinct aspects. The book makes vivid propositions for many contemporary debates around power, race and the decolonial and offers practicable ways to co-exist without sacrificing difference to the globalized capitalist economy and culture.
Translated by: Nicolás Salazar Sutil