This handbook provides a comprehensive review of radiation present in the environment, its sources, dose measurement techniques, exposures in natural and man-made radiation environments, policies governing radiation safety, societal applications of radiation technology, radiological and nuclear events, preparedness, response, and mitigation of radiation emergencies. It covers natural and man-made radiation environment with an emphasis on renewed interest in nuclear energy as a clean and green source of power generation. Additionally, it reviews various approaches to understand the fate and behaviour of radionuclides in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It also presents nuclear technology's diverse applications, from diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine to materials modifications and sustainable waste management strategies and the role of ionizing radiation in ensuring food security and safety. The handbook also highlights the existing (internationally adopted) radiation protection policies, which are originated from linear-no-threshold (LNT) model of dose-response characteristics. The scientific basis of LNT-model and its limitations at low doses prompts a revision of the exiting radiation protection policies for better utilization of the benefits of ionizing radiation.
The handbook serves as a comprehensive resource for students, academicians, scientists, engineers, and policymakers interested in seeking an in-depth knowledge of radiation and the multifaceted applications of radiation technology while protecting human health and the environment.