Fictional characters "Tom Alford" and "D.J. Kaercher" aren't cut out for the world of gainful employment. They resolve to quit their entry level jobs to become "explorationers," each embarking on his own solitary quest, valiantly traversing the globe in search of...well...whatever comes next. The first becomes Dolph Blackburn, a mercenary commissioned to stop an Eastern European dictator from training house pets to destroy Russia. And the latter, Erasmus Tesserman, a highly decorated inventor/innovator investigating a series of phenomena resulting in a Hypercolor(TM) Great Barrier Reef. Through their correspondence, they inspire and entertain each other with tales of adventures heroic, accomplishments paramount, and rendezvous titillating. Their courses collide when a mysterious yet familiar villain conspires to do the inconceivable - poison the world's supply of a popular, high-end brand of bottled water. Obviously, this is a fate worse than death.