Shrek 1; 3: Andrew Adamson; Chris Miller / Madagascar 1; 2: Eric Darnell / Yli Aidan: Tim Johnson / Möröt vs. Muukalaiset: Rob Le Julkaisija: TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX (2010)
An integrated approach to inorganic chemistry that provides students with a unified and contemporary view of the field.
Highlighting modern research and real-life applications, Inorganic Chemistry takes a one-of-a-kind approach to a difficult and dense subject.
The book provides a unified and contemporary view of the field, including coverage of group theory, magnetism, and bioinorganic chemistry, along with its robust problem-solving feature. A comprehensive and up-to-date resource, Inorganic Chemistry's unique approach to combining core topics in this area results in a highly accessible textbook appropriate for mid- to upper-level students.
Key features •An integrated approach: The text presents a set of core models, such as VSEPR, Valence Bond Theory, and Ligand Field Theory, to show how these can be applied in different ways. •Highlights modern research: Examples, applications, and references introduce students to current perspectives and recent scholarship in the field. •Teaches projection operators with group theory: Teaches these subjects together, thereby making clear the connection between symmetry and molecular orbital theory. •Highlights magnetism: The central role of magnetism is highlighted, a unique feature of this text. •Offers comprehensive coverage of bioinorganic chemistry through both a stand-alone chapter on the topic as well as integrated examples throughout the text. •Robust problem-solving package that includes numerous in-chapter worked examples and extensive end-of-chapter problem sets. EOC problems consistently refer to the primary literature. •Simple, clear illustrations in full color that help students visualize complex chemical reactions and concepts. •A comprehensive resource: Written for mid- to upper-level courses in inorganic chemistry, the text includes many topics not covered in existing inorganic texts. Students get a resource for their entire academic careers, and instructors will no longer need to supplement their existing books' coverage.
Inorganic Chemistry is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats: the e-book and Science Trove offer a mobile experience and convenient access along with practice problems, functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support. For more information about e-books, please visit