Anna-Elena Pääkkölä (toim.); Tuomas Auvinen (toim.); Freya Jarman (toim.); James Deaville (toim.) Suomen etnomusikologinen seura ry. (2024) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
Kristina Hermansson; Anna Nordenstam; Johan Alfredsson; Sandra Hillén; Trude Hoel; Heidi Höglund; Anna Karlskov Skyggebjerg Studentlitteratur AB (2024) Pehmeäkantinen kirja
ln the current hodge-podge selection of entertainment, art and culture, where most cultural consumables are easily accessible in online services and archives, the distinctions between popular and marginal are becoming more blurred in taste cultures and audiovisual expression.
This anthology goes to the heart of these themes through the common denominator of music, teasing out the connections between popular music and avant-garde composition as well as their relationships to current and past aesthetics and technological practices. It is also a celebration of professor John Richardson's outstanding work in the fields of musicology and audiovisual research.
The writers include:
Birgit Abels, Tuomas Auvinen, Þorbjörg Daphne Hall, Kaapo Huttunen, Helmi Järviluoma, Mathias Bonde Korsgaard, Petri Kuljuntausta, Serge Lacasse, Anna-Elena Pääkkölä, Sanna Qvick, Hanna-Mari Riihimäki, Erik Steinskog, Heikki Uimonen, - with a foreword by Claudia Gorbman.